
The MickBraz website was created for training and reference purposes. This website showcase some of our programming capabilities. See contact details if you are interested in these programming services.

MickBraz also makes/supports websites for Australian business. Go to MickBraz Australia if you are interesrted in an Australian website.


On the web server

The MickBraz website is run on Microsoft Internet Information Server and data is stored on Microsoft SQL Server. The website is developed with Microsoft Visual Studio, incorporating the C# language, .NET Framework and ASP.NET.

Programming on the server uses these methodologies for efficiency and reliability:

On the client

The website pages are comprised of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The presentation relies on the bootstrap toolkit.
Data entry pages are developed with the AngularJS library.
More feature rich pages are developed with the latest version of Angular.IO or React.
Speed and reliability are achieved by having reliable documented methodologies for building the web pages.

Angular, React and ASP.NET

The Visual Studio solution is an ASP.NET Web API website which includes MVC.
The builds of Angular and React are manually added to the solution folder under the OtherApps folder, and also added to the published website.
The Angular and React apps are not added to the Visual Studio solution.
Links are added in the solution to the html files of the apps eg. href="~/OtherApps/CardGame/index.html".

I use ng build --base-href '/OtherApps/CardGame/' for the Angular build so that the links in the Angular app match the address when running on the web server.
I use "homepage": "/OtherApps/NumberGame/", in the package.json file so that the links in the React app match the address when running on the web server.

Some useful references